Friday, September 28, 2018

Proposal 2

For my next project I would like to continue with a sci-fi theme.
I want to project onto a piece and create the element of alien technology in the darkness of my yard and create a sculpute for this. I will then record someone discovering the artifact and it activates it. The projection should be able to activate the effects and if I have to add post process effects to enhance the effect.

I will use props that I have already started making as well as a
camera, fig rig, the HD projector and a few other small things to set up and record the scene.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Process Post 3

I was able to get my videos set up and projected to the boxes on the stairs. as well as final prep for the projection.

Process Post2

For the second working test i was able to get it set up and working on the wall. I have to use sand bags, ratchet clamps, and apple boxes to get it set up. I have to use white boards and appleboxes with clamps to hold them in place over the staircase.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Artist Research

The artist I chose was Rosa Menkman, she is a dutch glitch artist known for her theories on video resolution and glitches. She feels that people need to stop fearing "glitches" and embrace the random and unknown. Many people fear having glitches or accidents but she emphasizes that people need to embrace them.

  She uses signal interference and program artifacting to create the glitches, while combining sound and video elements to create the art as a whole. The way her art combines odd messed up rendered objects and glitched out audio creates a sense of unease but the aesthetic is still unique.

A piece i like is Pattern Recognition Beyond Resolution, a video she was commisioned to make that got declined for being too weird!

Her glitch art manifesto:

Process Post 1

For my project I have tested out the projector and have started to figure out a way to set up the projector so that it can fit the entire staircase. I will also use apple boxes, clamps and sand bags to rig up the projector. I have started to film the videos i want to use for this as well, and set up a test in the black box

Thursday, September 6, 2018

First Project

For this first project i would like to use the staircase in the black box. I would like to project something coming down it like water or a person and have it look like its glitching and then moving onto the floor.  To do this i would most likely need to use paper or cloth to project onto, as well as other objects i am thinking of using extra monitors and do something with glitch art on them. Glitch art is very unique and highly interests me, so having something flow into the computer screens from the staircase could be very eye catching if done right.



Install madmapper by the 7th, so that i can start to create what i need.

Figure out the positioning and projector placement by the 14th

Finalize by the 21st.


Hello class, I'm Erik.

I'm from Weeki Wachee, Florida, I'm 25 years old, and I'm a digital arts major. I hope to go into game development as my career after i graduate in december. I have always wanted to do 3d animation ever since i was a kid and saw Toy Story for the first time. What made me want to do game design is when i played Mass Effect. The story telling was so moving and so well done that i was hooked and wanted to do something the same ever since.

Final Artist Statement & Final Documentation

My project was a live installation of creating a 3d game environment. My entire semester has been dedicated to creating these for my senior ...